Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Peregrination- Chapter 8

After the attempt of keeping up with the dragons, the group nearly gave up until the smaller of the dragons offered them a ride. But it cautioned that it would be hot. At this point the weary travelers honestly didn't care. However, lets just say at the end of the ride they started to care when they arrived, their hands blistered from the heat.

We have arrived, Serena. The friendly voice from earlier said.

Thanks for letting me know, Serena thought back.

"Hey guys! They said that we are here.. wherever here is" Serena said looking around only seeing sand and dust.

Hey, she thought, where are we exactly?

You can't see it yet because your eyes have yet to adjust to it.

What does that mean?

Take another look.

Serena looked up and gasped, she saw a large mountain, green with plant life. Puzzled she asked, how did I not see that in the first place?

The light bends around the mountain to make it invisible to those who are unwanted here. Most people won't look twice in a desert.

Wow. "Hey guys! Do you see it?" Serena asked.

"Umm. No" Eric said squinting.

"Take another look!" She urged on.

"WHOA!! I can see it!" Bard said as he skidded of the dragons back, running towards the mountain.

"Hey what happened to Weather?" Anneliese asked as she looked around.

"Great, we lost her already." Serena said, "Wait! There she is! She is already half way up the mountain!"

How is that? Is it because she is a pixie? Serena thought.

Yes, pixies, faeries, and enchantress' are the only ones that can see this from far away.

Then how come Weather didn't say anything the first place!

Obviously she was asleep on my back. Would you be so kind as to whipe off her drool?

Umm, okay. Serena thought, pulling out clothes of Weather's out of Weather's backpack. Ha! Take that for falling asleep and drooling on the dragon!

We hate the term dragons, its undermining, making us seem like only innocent reptiles. We prefer the term Great Wyrms, thank you very much.

Ooops! Sorry, so I shall address you as Great Wyrm, or do you have a name?

My name is Xareith, I'm the only female of the Great Wyrms left. The oldest is Valence, he is the leader of the group, and the other one is my brother, Qaries.

Oh okay cool, Serena thought back.

Let us go on up. But this time you guys are walking.

The group struggled on up the mountain, trying to keep up with Xareith, with no success. Several times they got lost (note: one might say how can they get lost if all they hafta go is up, however my friends this mountain was made to confuse a person which way was up and which was way down.) And it didn't help them any by taking a break.

"Sheesh, whatever happened to Weather? She is an awful git for leaving us here to figure our way up by ourselves!" Bard said leaning down under the tree.

"Ugh, and I'm starved!" Anneliese said who was eyeing some berriess that grew on the tree. As she reached up to pick some, the middle dragon, Qaries, came out of know where and started growling at her. "Geez! What? I'm starving!"

Tell that imbecile not to eat those berries, they were put there as a trap in order to confuse travelers why they were headed up the mountain in the first place, sending them back down the mountain.

Serena told the group what Qaries had said.

"Whoa, seriously? I wonder who would have created such a plant!" Anneliese said outloud, tossing the berries.

Gee I dunno why don't you ask that idiot nature magician of yours? I'm pretty sure SHE would know. Now stop lollygagging, follow me! Qaries said as he turned and started heading up the mountain at a slow enough pace so the group could keep up.

After enduring many more hours of climbing, slipping, and falling, over and over. The group made it to the top where there was a large cave. They started the toward the entrance when Qaries flew over them and guarded the door.

Serena, tell them that they hafta ride on my back inorder to get in. We are going down, no straight.

Umm, okay. Serena thought. "Hey guys! We hafta get on his back!" The group clambered onto Qaries back.

Hold on tight, I'm serious.

"Hey guys, hold on tIGHTTT!!!-" Serena started but was quickly cut off as they went down into the deep depths of the cave. After the long drop and the hard thud they looked around seeing a bright gold light which slowly changed to a warm orange then to a bright red and then it morphed into pink, then dropped into a deep purple, whihc instantly flipped into blue, lightening up slowly into a green, turning into a brilliant yellow and back to gold.

"Whoa," Serena said as she slid off of Qaries back. "This is amazing! Is it like this all day?"

Yes it is, but you will soon tire of it. The only reason we still live here is because we are color blind so it doesn't effect us.

"This is quite amazing isn't it?" Weather said popping out of know where with a cup of something warm. "It's great to see ya'll again!" She hiccuped taking another slurp of her drink as she threw her arm around Serena's shoulders.

"Whoa dude what are drinking?" Serena asked coming into look what was in her cup. Spirits.. great.

Guys! You gave her spirits?!

She was making us crazy with her constant chatter, so we decided if she was going to talk she might as well amuse us so we gave her something to drink to get her loose. You even hafta admit that it is pretty hilarious. Xarieth said, with a dragon like smile on her face.

Okay yes it is a tad funny! But no more alcohol is to be given out amongst us- especially to the drunk pixie here. Serena thought with her semi serious, trying not laugh face on.

Fine, be that way.